Klansville USA
In class we were assigned a video and to do research on the KKK and summarize. The Ku Klux Klan was founded after the Civil War in 1866 by ex-Confederate soldiers and other Southerners opposed to Reconstruction. You can read more about the Reconstruction on my blog. Anyways, the Klan dissolved in the years of reconstruction. "Colonel" William Joseph Simmons resurrected the Klan almost 50 years later, in 1915, after seeing D. Birth of A Country, a film by W. Griffith that depicted the Klansmen as great heroes. This reminds me of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, depicting the Nazis as heroes to the nation. But through selling memberships to fraternal societies such as the Woodmen of the World, this is how Simmons made his living. It was completely horrible but smart on his part, he literally saw the Klan as a potential source of membership sales. He climbed to the top of a local mountain in his first official act, and set a cross on fire to mark the Klan's rebirth. ...